Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day is like no other. Most of us are probably sending our love to our own mothers by ordering food delivery, flowers delivery and whatever delivery for our mothers because not everyone can celebrate today with our Mothers in person.

This year’s Mother’s Day is set apart, unique and memorable in that, it might be the quietest Mother’s Day ever for some mums. Some mums might not even get to celebrate it at all.

So here’s to you, the extraordinary mothers on this extraordinary Mother’s Day.

Especially the mother who is also an essential worker, a frontliner. You may not have been home for weeks because you need to keep a safe social distance to protect your little ones. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother whose spouse is an essential worker, a frontliner. He cannot be home because he needs to keep a safe social distance to protect you and your little ones. You have been holding the fort and managing everything from meals to housework, to homework, to every whine and whimper. And it feels harder with every number of kid you have. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother who is a teacher, an educator and can finally catch a break (or maybe not if you are a childcare teacher) from the full HBL that has dominated the time you are at home. Your children need your attention but you have given your time to your students because it is your job. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother who has been working from home while making sure there are enough gadgets to go around for the children’s HBL. You need your gadgets for your conference meetings but you have to make sure HBL homework is done and at certain moments, you feel like you might just lose your cool because there is constant knocking on your door. Your struggles are not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother who is normally paid on a day to day basis. The Circuit Breaker may mean low to no income. And you have to try every mean possible just to meet basic needs at home. Gadgets are not the priority because what you need is to put food in your children’s stomach. Your struggles are not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know. (And i pray that you manage to feed the family.)

Especially the mother who is new to motherhood. You just had your baby and you are grappling every feed, every cry as it happens. But no one can visit you because of social distancing rules now. Everything feels overwhelming and you wish you can have your own mother come visit you. Your struggles are not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother who has been trying to keep your children occupied so that cabin fever can be reduced to a minimum. You don’t know if the activities are enough for your children to use up their pent up energy, and you have been braving through meltdowns while trying to keep yourself together. Your struggles are not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

Especially the mother who has children who are essential workers. Your children cannot come to you because it is the best way to protect you from the contagious virus. Your loneliness is not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know, especially when you have raised unsung heroes that you can be very proud of.

Especially the mother who has been trying to be sane. Your sanity is hanging on a thread as the CB continues and you really just need to get away from everything because you need to breath just so you can carry on. Your loneliness is not unnoticed and you are more amazing than you know.

There probably won’t be another Mother’s Day like this one, and i really hope there won’t be any more.

So to you, dear Mother, celebrate you today. Whether it’s wearing a mask and making a lone trip to the supermarket for some alone time (but don’t linger for safety reasons), or it’s asking to be excused from the kids for just 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours to watch Netflix or YouTube while you hide in your room for a breather. Or just not cooking today and ordering a nice meal for yourself. Or just taking a longer shower because that’s the only time you can be alone. Or texting or calling someone just to chat for a while. Or even putting on makeup for no reason.

These celebration methods sound dull, but under our current situation, it’s anything but dull.

Happy blessed Mother’s Day, fellow mummies. Cut yourselves some slack today. You deserve it.

Thankful to be mother to these two