Stay-at-home Programme for School Holidays (6) – Learning To Colour

Learning to colour is easy for some children and a little more challenging for others. Other than learning how to hold a crayon, children need to learn that some things are of a certain colour.

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely encourage creativity and for Phoebie to think out of the box. She can say the sky is purple and colour it that way. However, she will eventually have to learn that the sky above our heads is blue and it isn’t always the colour she wants it to be.


20140613-170936.jpg I bought this book some time ago and with its colour codes, it helps children learn what colours different things are.

20140613-171038.jpg With the colour key, Phoebie can refer to it and see what colour each part of the picture should be. By following the colour code, Phoebie also learns to follow visual instructions.


20140613-171325.jpg For a start, I chose a picture with few different colours so that Phoebie will not be confused. She’s clearly proud of the picture she has completed.

Phoebie loves to colour with her crayons, but one thing she likes to do is to leave the colouring incomplete. She has a tendency to leave white spaces in the parts that she colours, so I used this activity to remind her to finish colouring the picture instead of leaving white spaces all over.

Let’s hope that with more practice, Phoebie will learn to colour better.